Category Archives: 2013

Christie & McAuliffe Win –

The Virginia Democratic Gubernatorial candidate narrowly defeated the Republican Ken Cuccinelli 48% to 45%.  Terry McAuliffe is the 72nd Governor of Virginia. In New Jersey, Republican Chris Christie defeated Democrat Barbara Buono to win a second term.  Christie is considered a potential Republican Presidential candidate in … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Democrat, Election, General, Governor, Politics, Republican | Leave a comment

McAuliffe Leads Virginia Race –

Recent polls indicate that Democrat Terry McAuliffe is leading Republican Ken Cuccinelli in the race for Governor of Virginia.  A Quinnipiac poll has Cuccinelli only trailing McAuliffe 45 percent to 41 percent.  A recent poll from Roanoke College has McAuliffe leading … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Democrat, Election, General, Governor, Politics, Republican | Leave a comment

U.S. Senate To Vote On Spending Bill –

The United States Senate is expected to vote on a spending bill this Friday.  The deadline to avoid a partial shutdown of the Federal government is October 1st.  The measure supported by the Democratic controlled Senate is expected to be almost … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Administrative, Budget, DC, Democrat, Economy, General, Politics, Republican | Leave a comment

Senator Frank Lautenberg –

New Jersey Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg passed away on Monday at the age of 89.  Frank Lautenberg first won election in 1982 and served five terms in the U.S. Senate.  Lautenberg was a co-founder and CEO of Automatic Data Processing.  … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, 2014, Congress, Democrat, Election, General, Politics, Republican | Leave a comment

Senator Johnson To Retire –

South Dakota Senator Tim Johnson announced that he will not run for a fourth term in 2014.  Currently, Senator Johnson is the Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee.  Democratic United States Senators that have announced their retirement include Johnson (South Dakota), … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Congress, Democrat, Election, General, Politics, Primary, Republican | Leave a comment

State Of The Union 2013 –

The 2013 State of the Union was delivered on February 12th, 2013 at 9 pm.  The White House site provides the State of the Union Address and outlines for the economic plan.  The State of the Union Address lasted slightly more … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Administrative, Budget, Business, Congress, DC, Democrat, Economy, Energy, Environment, General, Healthcare, International, Politics, Presidential, Regulatory, Republican, Tax, Trade | Leave a comment

Secretary Of State John Kerry –

John Kerry became the 68th Secretary of State of the United States of America on February 1st, 2013.  John Kerry was a United States Senator from the state of Massachusetts for 28 years.  Senator Kerry was the Chairman of the … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Administrative, DC, Democrat, General, Politics | Leave a comment

Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller To Retire –

West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller has announced that he will not run for re-election in 2014.  Senator Rockefeller has served five terms in the United States Senate.  Jay Rockefeller has also served as the Secretary of State and as the … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Congress, Democrat, Election, General, Politics, Republican | Leave a comment

Republican John Boehner Remains Speaker –

Republican Congressman John Boehner received 220 votes and was re-elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives.  Republicans have the majority in the House with 233 Congressional representatives.  The Democrats have 200 representatives and there are 2 vacancies.  Boehner needed to clear … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, Budget, Congress, DC, Democrat, Election, General, Politics, Republican | Leave a comment